Monday, 17 November 2014

Lady Gaga

I have chosen Lady Gaga as my new Elizabethan because her make-up look is like a modern day version of the ideals of beauty in Elizabethan times. Lady Gaga often has her base make-up very pale, almost white which was very popular in Elizabethan times especially with Queen Elizabeth. Then she has contouring on her cheeks, nose and temples which are very modern in style and the combination of the two creates a very dramatic look. Her eyebrows are often covered so they look paler like in Elizabethan times but are sometimes drawn on slightly to give the look a modern twist. Lady Gaga's eyeshadow in usually very pale but with subtle contouring which again combines the Elizabeth and modern day looks. Her eyeliner and mascara are either completely black and Elizabethans sometimes used Kohl to create a similar look or completely white which the Elizabethans in particular Queen Elizabeth did in many of their looks. The lipstick Lady Gaga wears is either a soft pink and matches her cheek colour which the Elizabethans often did and the shade of colours is similar to what you see them wearing in portraits. Alternately she wears a lot of red lipstick and gloss which is very popular in the modern day and creates a dramatic look as it contrasts with the pale skin.
Lady Gaga's style is very individual and flamboyant, she often shocks the public with her outfit choices and people are always talking about the way she looks and the way she acts. I think this is very similar to Queen Elizabeth as people copied her looks and being the Queen she wore very extravagant clothes and jewels. Also being the monarch people would have talked about and passed judgement on everything she did and any decision she made. She had very little privacy as the people wanted to know everything about her especially those who worked closely with her.  This is like Lady Gaga as because of the press people know what she does all the time and people judge and talk about the way she acts and whether they think it is acceptable or not.

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